(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

Questions & Answers on your timeline

You decide what you want to talk about.  Send your questions as they come up.  Video is the best way to communicate and I will respond accordingly with my thoughts and advice.  Additional 1 on 1 time can be reserved as needed.

Example topics of discussion:

  1. Go to market strategy and execution
  2. Product marketing “messaging”
  3. Sales and client service process
  4. Pricing model design, strategies
  5. Compensation/incentives design
  6. Channel strategy, when to use
  7. Capital introduction strategies

Subscription Fees

  • Monthly Q&A Service =  $799/month
  • Annual membership = $699/month
  • 1 on1 Conversations = $500/hour


If you need help or want to join our monthly roundtable, please send me an email or fill out my contact form below and we can get started.

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