(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

The Brickseller

If you have questions or topics you want to see discussed on The Brickseller, give me a call or drop me a line.

Jonathan Brickman
16355 Via Venetia West
Delray Beach, FL 33484
P: (240) 670-5323

Listening is great, but…

I can't tell you how many times I am left hanging waiting for the other side of a plan to come to fruition. People talk but often times never follow through. I mean business and pleasure...some examples to ponder: Coming through on an invitation to play golf Meeting...

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Good old fashioned sales

It's one of my all time favorites, Tommy Boy. Two really funny guys acting out a parody on selling, but nonetheless packed with many basic sales lessons: 1. Survival mode tactics 2. Dealing with a capital crunch 3. Face to face sales calls 4. Messaging 5. Teamwork 6....

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Eaten by Alligator

Here is a real email, with above subject line,  from a salesperson who is trying to connect after several failed attempts... Hello there! I wanted to reach out and let you know a few things have changed since you last contacted us. We now offer all of our products...

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Find the right early customers

Nothing could be more true for an early stage company to set the wheels of progress in motion. All clients are good in the early days, but some are better than others for maximum leverage. All this talk about social selling...nothing is more social or powerful than...

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It’s all connected

One thing leads to another… My conversation today with someone reminded me of this expression and how true it rings...a simple conversation led to something unintended and then it led to something else...and we found connections and mutual opportunities in a span of a...

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This member chose to be shown as anonymous

I am on the train to NY checking emails, looking at my various social media platforms, and I noticed I have a half-dozen people on LinkedIn that have viewed my profile but have opted to not identify themselves. Why? I don't get this in general, but especially not on...

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Knowing who you are helps

This is what a quick on-line version of the Myers-Briggs personality test says about me.  I got ENTJ - The Executive.  Extraverted - Intuitive - Thinking - Judging Of course this is a standardized report and it isn't a perfect description, but...

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How come they don’t call back?

This is a perennial question for any client facing professional, among others. I don't know about you, but I never stop calling until I can engage.  It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, I just need to connect and have a conversation before I move on... If I don't...

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Match Dot Com and Business

The reason match.com works so well is because "buyers" and "sellers" are constantly in the market ready to make a deal. Assuming the value proposition is well stated... Buyers do on-line research The field of opportunities is determined Sellers are disqualified based...

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Is social selling really any better?

There isn't a moment that passes when I don't receive some content marketing, a new post on LinkedIn, or something about the virtues of social selling. I am a believer in leveraging social media as I am a major participant and have derived direct benefits from doing...

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Just keep talking…

If you are going to take the time to build a network, well use it!!!  Pick up the phone, the results will be amazing. I was reminded again this morning about the power of just having a conversation. I am helping to raise money for a new venture so I have been reaching...

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