(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

The Brickseller

If you have questions or topics you want to see discussed on The Brickseller, give me a call or drop me a line.

Jonathan Brickman
16355 Via Venetia West
Delray Beach, FL 33484
P: (240) 670-5323

Genuine customer service is timeless!

I had been bringing my 2 cars to the dealer for routine service over the last few years based on the belief this was a more reliable and legitimate approach to maintain the value of my depreciating asset... I know, I know... I am now my parents with this old fashioned...

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Don’t be afraid of your price

Price is your best lever. Don't be afraid of it. Set your pricing carefully and then defend it with vigor.  Many of us still shy away from price and think a low price strategy is what will win the day...but buyers don't really buy on price, rather value and ROI. The...

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Scaling is all about process and focus

My mother still holds out hope for me to get my professional engineering license. LOL Sorry mom 🙂 The truth is, I took the first half of this exam when I graduated from college, but never finished the second...which was based on practical experience, because I was...

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Can’t Hurt Me

I had the good fortune to spend 36 hours on Cape Cod a couple weeks ago at the tail end of a whirlwind New York/New England trip that started with a back to college drop off for my daughter "Bella", included some college visits with son "Jack", a visit to my mother,...

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The SDR role is vital

The SDR role should be strategic, yet it is too often delegated to the new kid on the block that wants to get to the next role. Therefore, the SDR function is minimized and not maximized for results. Done correctly, this role will bring more and more qualified...

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SDRs get no respect

I was having a spirited discussion with @Daniel Ahmadizadeh CEO of persistiq.com. He is running a company that serves SDRs with an email marketing platform. We were chatting about use cases, etc...and this led to a discussion about the role of an SDR. So...I shared my...

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Authenticity rules

There's a new movement in the air... Authenticity And, I am happy for this, because I'm getting fatigued by watching all the Hyperbole Puffery Mutual Admiration Self serving engagement We all know it - social media encourages a lack of authenticity and promotes...

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Get your story straight!

Is there really anything more important than getting your messaging right so you can communicate your story correctly and achieve the desired results? Messaging is so important for product sales and marketing, but how about for you, to tell your story? I remain...

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Sales Leadership is hard

Sales leadership is not for the faint of heart... But, I love it and enjoy the challenge to create a highly functioning group of producers. Sometimes there is some blood letting along the way, and that's just part of the process. Here is a recent exchange with someone...

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Who needs Spin Selling…?

Maybe I missed the seminar; I don't know...but, it appears that"Hammer Selling" is in now Forget the clever questioning, looking for the problem, building a relationship...Nah, just constant banging over the head until they finally give up. The following is a true...

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You can lead a horse to water

But, you still have to get the horse to drink! I declared my view on the social selling craze a while ago, but I feel compelled to get on my soapbox again, because I see no end to the tsunami of sales enablement tools and efforts to create opportunities and I think we...

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Connect first, then…

The first step in sales or marketing is to connect. Everything else follows from there... I have posted this before, but if you haven’t read this book go get it today –  I attended a conference last week, admittedly...

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