by Jonathan Brickman | Mar 31, 2010 | What Happened Today
I’m an action junkie like most salespeople and that’s what happens on the last day of the month or quarter or fiscal year…fireworks! Get your net out and catch some fish – it’s deal time! We had a great day today and it’s not over,...
by Jonathan Brickman | Mar 29, 2010 | Want to be a great salesperson?
We won We played our hand correctly and the buyer caved and met our terms. It’s so easy to fold when you want/need that deal but a lack of discipline is a bad long term strategy. You don’t want every client, trust me. You want clients at the right price...
by Jonathan Brickman | Mar 25, 2010 | Want to be a great salesperson?
Same buyer, the round is still not over, time for our bet! Buyer is standing strong with a low ball bid in the face of very clear communication about our pricing. We have countered with options to meet his offer with less product….notice, we are not lowering...
by Jonathan Brickman | Mar 22, 2010 | Want to be a great salesperson?
If the one thing you do differently as a salesperson is to really qualify your suspects better… you will become more productive and sell more, guaranteed! Minimize or eliminate all of the actvities that are time wasters and get in the way of closing business. ...
by Jonathan Brickman | Mar 18, 2010 | Want to be a great salesperson?
Lot’s of us have read the book “The Tipping Point”. It’s really true. In Physics they call it inertia, which is a fancy word for saying that there is some force that has to be overcome… It’s a cool thing when this happens in...
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