by Jonathan Brickman | Sep 7, 2010 | Closing, Want to be a great salesperson?, Winning Qualities
I am a big fan of Always Be Closing but the truth of the matter is you can’t close unless the buyer is ready to buy. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to stick to a rigid sales process. If they are ready to buy on the first call, skip the process and...
by Jonathan Brickman | Sep 7, 2010 | Closing, What Happened Today
Ok, deal closed! We held our ground and we got closure. Sounds simple, but we had “a deal” 3 weeks ago and we were challenged several times along the final process but we held our ground at each step because it was clear the buyer was sold and we had the...
by Jonathan Brickman | Sep 7, 2010 | Real Stories to learn from, What Happened Today
Interesting story today… I have been fairly active with all of this social media stuff and waiting for a real payoff, besides all the intrinsic value of course…So, I got pulled into a LinkedIn discussion last week and lo and behold, someone picked up on an...
by Jonathan Brickman | Sep 4, 2010 | Business Principles, Education, Winning Qualities
I recently read “How successful people think” by John Maxwell. Great read and I suggest you all do the same. We can always get better. If we stand still, the world will pass us by. In business, this means your competition, for you this means your...
by Jonathan Brickman | Sep 3, 2010 | Selling through story telling, Want to be a great salesperson?, Winning Qualities
We are visual beings so creating a visual is very effective to sell your solution. We all have a value proposition that we think sounds fabulous but how does that translate to your buyer in their world? Can they fully grasp the impact or are they left wondering? Your...
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