by Jonathan Brickman | Apr 30, 2014 | Inspiration
Well, “they” say you are a product of your environment, so here is a soundbite of mine. Be...
by Jonathan Brickman | Apr 29, 2014 | Communication, Real Stories to learn from
How many emails a day do you receive, that all look the same….? Same headlines Same promises to save money Promises to grow revenue Improved efficiencies Same tired sales lines All of these get lost in the shuffle I’m afraid. How many times can you tell...
by Jonathan Brickman | Apr 28, 2014 | Winning Qualities
Yes, I agree, Jeff, and I think you need this viewpoint to create balance and a healthy perspective. New post on Jeffrey Nyeboer Are you a “Contrarian”? by Jeffrey Nyeboer This is an interesting question in the mind of a critical thinker and also to anyone involved in...
by Jonathan Brickman | Apr 23, 2014 | Real Stories to learn from, Want to be a great salesperson?, What Happened Today
SEO, Sales 2.0, Inside Sales…These are all good things and great ways to leverage one’s time, no doubt. But…and this is a big but… There is no replacement for in person interaction to 1. Build a relationship 2. Learn more about your prospect...
by Jonathan Brickman | Apr 6, 2014 | Marketing, What Happened Today
I had some blood tests last week and discovered that my cholesterol was…let’s just say, not where it should be so like any internet savvy adult, I went on an internet research project to learn about cholesterol, etc… It dawned on me, and I had to...
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