(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

How many times have you been in a sales process and everything seemed to go right and you just can’t close?  Sound familiar?  You bet it does for most of the salespeople out there that never really figure out what the real need is and how to solve it.

Buyers like to look, especially when there is a free look, or there is a return on a trial with no commitment.  Time is all we have and we have to use it wisely or we focus on the wrong activities, the wrong people, the wrong issues….

Have you ever asked why you won the business?  Most of us are trained to ask why we lost the business (if we even do that) but I think the inverse is more valuable because you then have a roadmap to success.  You will be surprised by the answer many times because often it’s not because you have the best product – it’s the other things that are truthfully more important to become a successful salesperson, client service professional, grow a big and sustainable business.

Listen closely while you hunt and clues will appear all around you to capitalize on.  Talk from a script and your fate is left to chance.

Business is a puzzle; solve it!


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