(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

Chances are if you are a weekend warrior like most of us you spend most of your time on the golf course consumed with thoughts, frequent adjustments to your swing, and if things get bad enough maybe your share of spirits to ease the pain.

Sales is a lot like golf in my mind and if you have a rigid approach and have to stick to a script or follow a prescribed path you may find yourself in the “trees” often trying to make a heroic comeback to score par.

I know there are loads of sales courses and sales books out there but most teach outdated text-book tactics that unfortunately set many people up to fail without the critical skills and flexibility to think on your feet and maneuver when you are taken out of your script.

Great salespeople, business people, go with the flow and play with “feel” like a great golfer.  If it’s windy, hot a lower profile shot, not into the wind.  If you hit a wall in the sales process, look around and find another opening.

Stay loose and flexible and your score will improve.


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