(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I heard it again this week and it reminded me how important it is for the leadership to communicate to the troops.  Sure, the management team know the plan, the financial picture, the competitive landscape…but does the entire company know what the story is?

Having a great strategic plan is great but without execution the plan will fail.  And who is responsible for the execution?  That’s correct, it starts from the bottom up…all the various functions that eventually roll up to the top so we need to communicate to the troops so they know where they are going and what the impact is from their task driven activities that keep the trains leaving the station on time.

The interesting thing is, in a time of thin budgets and lots of pressure, communication doesn’t cost anything but a little time and, boy, it has a big impact if done correctly. Build it into the company process so it’s on the calendar and it will happen and continue to refine the messaging and feedback channels so it counts…

Communication = ROI!


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