One thing leads to another and this has never been more true than in business. The more you collide with others the more you will discover opportunities. It’s really that simple.
Let me give you an example – I had coffee with a friend this week and we discussed each other’s business, strategy, challenges and all sorts of ideas started flying around and we discovered an opportunity to connect with someone else to help me advance an idea I have. If I were sitting in my office, this never would have happened. If I were having these conversations with myself (which I often do…) nothing would have happened.
It’s the same phenomenon at any event or any gathering of people. Interact and something will happen. On the other hand…you can be guaranteed that nothing will happen if you stand in the corner by yourself!
It’s not a mystery why innovation occurs in cities with lots of people. There are lots of collisions and interactions and exchanges of ideas…
Talk to the person next to you the next time you are out and who knows what will happen.
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