(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I had a conversation with an entrepreneur this week and was just blown away by the passion and great lengths this person is going through to see his dream come true…selling his house, moving across the world to be in the best market, working endless hours to raise capital.

All successful people have this drive, period.  Of course, you need something good to sell but without the drive it’s not possible to reach your potential.

I recently started training after years of what I term “executive workouts” where I broke a sweat but didn’t push beyond any limits and consequently had modest results.  Since I started pushing myself to exhaustion I have noticed a few things that translate to business:

1. I am motivated more than ever to reach new limits

2. I can get through the pain and meet goals I thought were beyond my reach

3. I love the process so I look forward to my next workout

4. I have become a walking billboard for crossfit training

I just don’t think it’s possible to succeed these days unless you are all in.


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