(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I know we all like to think we are special, but unless we have something really groundbreaking, we all have to work hard at differentiating our products from the pack.  In the spectrum of solutions, the closer you are to a commodity solution, the harder it gets to differentiate your offering.

There is no escaping this question whether it is asked explicitly or tacitly, so you had best be prepared answer this question across the board.  This means in presentations, sales collateral, marketing, word of mouth discussions…everywhere some potential buyer wants to understand what you have to offer.

I am going through this exercise now with a company and it’s not easy…this requires some real introspection and thought but the outcome is clarity – a very necessary exercise that should yield results.  I was having a chat this morning with a salesperson, who is in a somewhat commoditized business where deals tend to be awarded through a competitive process and there seems to be a lack of predictability for outcomes.  My advice – spend the time to create a differentiating message around real strength, supported by credible testimonials, results…How many salespeople do you know who can effectively differentiate a me-too offering?  That is a real skill!  Anyone can sell a hot product, big deal.

If all else fails, I will leave you with something a sales trainer shared 25 years ago and it has always stuck…He said, the answer to this age-old question is – “You get me and there is no one like me.  There is no one who will take care of your interests and help you solve problems like I will..”

I know, sounds kinda corny but I like it and believe it to be true.  If you have the confidence, try it and watch the reaction you get.  Buyers buy confidence, trust, something that is intangible…along with your product.


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