(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I don’t know about you but I learn best by doing as opposed to reading or watching.  Instead of relying on formal training courses and other conventional approaches, try supplementing your learning by taking sales calls across a variety of industries.  It really works.

The benefit of being the prospect and listening is huge:

1. You get to listen to a variety of approaches

2. You can ask the tough questions and see how they are answered

3. Try out the same stall techniques that you get

4. There is no risk to create learning scenarios

5. You will most likely learn things that will help you improve

I am one of those people that will listen to a pitch from some consumer goods company…even after the long pause before some robotic salesperson starts into their pitch.  Sometimes you actually get a good salesperson!  But, mostly not…

I was on the buyer’s side of a sales call last week and I was able to listen closely to this person and even provided some constructive feedback.  The call reminded me again how instructive it can be to be the buyer.  If one should try and be in the buyer’s shoes when being the salesperson, then what better way to learn than to actual be the buyer and experience what it is like to be sold to.

Try it this week and tell me what you think.


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