(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

The reason match.com works so well is because “buyers” and “sellers” are constantly in the market ready to make a deal.

Assuming the value proposition is well stated…

  1. Buyers do on-line research
  2. The field of opportunities is determined
  3. Sellers are disqualified based on preliminary pitches
  4. Second round “on-site” visits happen
  5. The field is narrowed to a short list
  6. A final selection is made

Business sort of works the same way, but only when supply meets demand and therein lies the challenge, how to stay in the game until there is a need. When the two sides are in sync, the process moves quickly. Otherwise, it’s a confusing, challenging game we are all trying to decode. The supply side is always ready and sometimes they can create demand…but normally, we need to wait until the buy-side has a need to act.

The key is to focus on opportunities that are “in the market” and also continue to move others into a buying mode so when they too are in the market, you have a chance to be the seller.

It’s a mating dance:

  1. LinkedIn – Networking = kinda like dating
  2. Other Social Media – Credibility = sorta like meeting your friends
  3. Friend – Close the Deal = well you know what this is

Stay active, find your mate and live in harmony.

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