(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

You sales guys know what I mean, right? 

Did you hit your quota?  How’s the market?  Are you feeling anxious or excited?  These are the thoughts and feelings that go along with “The end of the month”.

We can’t control the market.  But…and I emphasize but…we can control our behavior to put us in the best position to hit our number each month.  That’s what the best salespeople focus on, the right behavior that produces results.  The behavior that is repeatable day in and day out so we build a steady pipeline and we hit our number each month.

All the great salespeople work hard and steady and don’t give up.  Most salespeople give up too soon.  It’s  a game and it takes time and patience to learn the rules of the game.  Once you learn them, stick to them…there are no shortcuts to be successful.

Did you make enough calls this month?  Did you communicate the value proposition correctly?  Did you get to the buyer’s problem and provide a solution?  Did you do the things that allow you to hit your number? 

Only you can answer these questions.  That’s the beauty of sales.  It’s really up to you.

If you didn’t hit your number this month – why not?


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