Is there really anything more important than getting your messaging right so you can communicate your story correctly and achieve the desired results?
Messaging is so important for product sales and marketing, but how about for you, to tell your story?
I remain puzzled at the cursory approach to the hiring process. Recruiters spend seconds (not even minutes…) rifling through pdf resumes and make split decisions based on superficial filters and algorithms. Candidates don’t spend the necessary time building their brand and telling their story… Why?
More often than not, the best candidates are passed over because they didn’t do a good enough job telling their story and the algorithms just moved right passed them.
That’s a damn shame, isn’t it?
My CV looks pretty good – a series of executive roles, leading and exiting B2B start-ups…but it doesn’t come close to telling my whole story, because it can’t possibly reflect all the learning I have absorbed by reading, participating on platforms like this, the countless hours I have spent working with dozens of early stage companies across a swath of industries, several angel investments…how could this possibly be picked up by some ATS?
This is not about me, rather my point about the talent acquisition process that is so terribly incomplete. Less than great hires or, even worse, bad hires result in lost opportunities and wasted time and money.
Take the extra time and make sure your messaging is as good as it can be so you maximize your story – your very own product marketing. And the same goes for the employer.
#brickseller #jabord #branding
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