(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

When’s the last time you heard a client say WOW?  Do you remember?  Have you ever heard this word?

When you hear this, you should feel great because that means you did something special that no one else does.  This is the magic word in client service you should be striving for.  It’s a hard lesson to learn, but clients expect good service and will not reward you for that.  They will however, reward you for those WOW moments because that means you made a much deeper connection.

How can you modify your relationship with your clients so they are WOWed?  Think about it and let me know some ideas and I will share some approaches with you that I have seen work over the years.

Great client service leads to more business so those of you in this role should realize how vitally important your job is.

Go forth and WOW someone this week.


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