(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I thought I would use the word “sustainable” since its so in vogue now with green energy and all that…

In business, you want a business model that builds on a recurring revenue stream – they call this repeat customers!  We had a couple of clients today commit to renewals and also agree to spend more money with us.  That tells me we are doing our jobs and providing a valuable service.

This is all about taking care of your clients and making sure they get value.  It’s amazing how many businesses ignore this and focus only on new account acquisition.  Your business will grow geometrically if you can keep your clients and sell them more product.  Great client service is the name of the game.

We tried something different today in our Monday sales call and all the account managers shared a success story and it was very refreshing to hear the great stories of taking a routine client request and asking another question and then showing the client how to get even more from our service.  That’s how you win clients for life so bravo team!

Let’s see how many Wows we can get this week.


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