by Jonathan Brickman | Jun 22, 2010 | Selling at Higher Prices, Want to be a great salesperson?
Every client is different. They may have the same basic needs, but their situation is different. This is very important to remember and a key reason not to lean on a rigid script for a sales presentation. Listen and then respond...
by Jonathan Brickman | Jun 2, 2010 | Negotiating, Selling at Higher Prices
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people confuse these 2 very different words. The dictionary states that the word negotiate means “to communicate in search of mutual agreement”. This means if you have a set price for your service or...
by Jonathan Brickman | May 25, 2010 | Selling at Higher Prices, Want to be a great salesperson?
I hate this question for the record. If I am the buyer and I hear this, I start licking my chops as the pavlovian response kicks in and I start salivating ’cause I know a big fat discount is coming….. I get the purpose of the...
by Jonathan Brickman | May 6, 2010 | Selling at Higher Prices, Want to be a great salesperson?
Knowing when to dig your heels in and having the guts to walk is very important as a salesperson if you want to sell at higher prices and not get squeezed by the buyer. It’s a very simple game afterall – the rules can be reduced as follows Buyer –...
by Jonathan Brickman | May 5, 2010 | Real Stories to learn from, Selling at Higher Prices, Want to be a great salesperson?
Does anyone out there know where this famous line came from? That’s right, Ricky Roma in Glen Gary Glenross, one of the all time greatest sales movies. If you haven’t seen the film, get it tonight, watch, and pay attention!So what is Ricky Roma really...
by Jonathan Brickman | Apr 25, 2010 | Selling at Higher Prices, Want to be a great salesperson?
Why do buyers always ask for the price? And what’s your reply? They are asking the wrong question so don’t let them! That question assumes you are selling a commodity and even if you are why would you reduce your product to that? It’s a recipe...
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