by Jonathan Brickman | Aug 9, 2010 | Business Principles, Leadership, What is Great Client Service?
I thought I would use the word “sustainable” since its so in vogue now with green energy and all that… In business, you want a business model that builds on a recurring revenue stream – they call this repeat customers! We had a couple of...
by Jonathan Brickman | Jul 18, 2010 | What is Great Client Service?
When’s the last time you heard a client say WOW? Do you remember? Have you ever heard this word? When you hear this, you should feel great because that means you did something special that no one else does. This is the magic word in client service you should...
by Jonathan Brickman | Jul 7, 2010 | What is Great Client Service?
This applies to all areas of life and business to be successful. Most marketing campaigns push product and, consequently, get nothing back. We give valuable intelligence with our marketing effort and as a result we get lots of demand. We give our clients...
by Jonathan Brickman | Jun 26, 2010 | What is Great Client Service?
I was looking for some comments, but everyone must have been busy closing deals… Here is the truth – every service provider tells their prospect that they offer great client service, but they don’t! The fact is, great client service is really easy,...
by Jonathan Brickman | Jun 25, 2010 | What is Great Client Service?
Think about that and what it really means and what the implications are if you really do provide great client service. Give me your thoughts and then I will respond. Thanks. Brick
by Jonathan Brickman | Jun 16, 2010 | What is Great Client Service?
Here is an interesting article about the power of culture and how is translates to branding, marketing. Great behavior comes from buying into the culture, so build the culture first....
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