(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

Follow your gut, go with your instincts, trust your judgement…

Use Common Sense!  Unfortunately, common sense is not so common.



We are blessed with these spectacular computers, attached to our shoulders, that have the capacity to store and synthesize loads of data.  We use this miraculous organ and make hundreds, perhaps thousands of decisions daily…without any guidance.  It’s our brain inside of our noggin!

Common sense is all you really need to survive.  Yes, you can get sales and product training and you can get a fancy MBA and you can build an impressive resume with lots of credentials…all of that helps but at the end of the day I don’t believe that anything beats what you will learn in the real world and then relying on common sense to navigate our complex world.

Did I really need a sales training course to understand that I should shut up and listen to the buyer instead of dominating the conversation?  Did I need to read a book to realize I shouldn’t bash the competition when someone asks me how we compare to another vendor?  Do I need training to realize the buyer doesn’t like to be bullied into a decision?

I was the buyer this week on 2 occasions and it was interesting to listen to the two approaches.  One was marginally better than the other, but it could have been the same person if I closed my eyes or maybe a sales robot delivering the standard sales lines…oh my god, is there any original thought?

Be yourself and engage with another human, not a robot.  It’s common sense after all…



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