We all want this cherished status with our clients, but do you realize how hard this is to attain?
Many of us think that clients are satisfied and loyal if we meet their expectations. Well, I have news for you, most will leave in a heartbeat if you are just a faceless “vendor” and haven’t developed a strong connection. Clients expect the basics and worse yet, they will be quick to tell you when you screwed up and slow to tell you when you did something well.
In order to build client loyalty, you have to
1) Be proactive, not a call center, anticipate their needs.
2) Have a plan to exceed client expectations and actually do it!
3) Assume that your clients are not loyal and don’t assume happiness if you don’t hear complaints. When it comes time for renewal, don’t be surprised when the “happy” client doesn’t renew if you haven’t developed a real relationship.
If you can build meaningful relationships, your clients won’t leave. The operative word here is “relationships”. Ask yourself this – “Do I have a relationship with my client?” the next time you are on the line with a client. If you don’t, get started now before it’s too late.
You can’t build a great business without a rock solid, loyal client base.
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