(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I recently read a blog post from Mark Cuban where he challenged readers to do what they are good at as opposed to do what they are passionate about.  His argument (and I am paraphrasing here so excuse me…) was that you will be more successful if you do what you are good at, work hard, and passion will ensue.


Isn’t it true that if you do what you like, and hopefully love what you do, you will become good at “it” and likely become a master at what you do?  And, usually that means if you master something you will likely get paid handsomely for your talents.  Call me crazy, but that’s the way I see it.

I think we are really saying the same thing, Mark.  We become good at things we are passionate about.  If we are after financial success, then we look for something we can also make some money at.

I say follow your passions and everything else will follow.  To me, that’s the correct order or we would all be applying to Law School and we know the story there…


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