I read a blog post today from another sales blog and I wanted to comment on the use of email during the sales process…and for that matter in general. I think the basic skill of writing has been lost because of technology. That’s too bad because writing is so important and we should be using technology as a tool not a crutch. Do you understand what I mean by this? It’s so easy to tweet or IM or text..but if you want to convey the right message at the right time you actually have to sit and think about what you want to say so you can achieve your objective.
If I am trying to close a piece of business, sending an email just checking in or ramming my features down your throat just doesn’t get any mindshare these days. If you want someone to act, get to the point in simple but powerful terms and ask for a response and chances are you will get one. That’s all we salespeople really want anyway…a response so we know where we stand.
Emails are a way of business communication these days and if you want to advance the sales process you need to learn how to write an effective email. It’s consistent with being a good salesperson really – know what your client needs and provide it and ask for their business in a way that gets the reader to to act. And as always, KISS.
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