How many presentations have you been part of that are full of fluff and wasted words?
I don’t know about you but I don’t have time for a lot of wasted words when I am staring at a long list of things to do and I am willing to bet the person on the other side of the table is in the same situation so…Get to the point! And get there quickly!
We are being judged on everything so make every moment count.
Listen and adapt, listen and adapt…throw away any preconceived notions and respond to what is in front of you. If your party wants to take you down a different path, go there because that’s the only path that counts. If you are a salesperson or involved in client service your job is solve your clients’ problems so listen up; it’s their agenda not yours.
If you are in sync with your buyer then you are on the right track. Go with the flow and adapt your discussion accordingly. Some simple advice but not so commonly followed.
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