Most of us employ the same old sales approach, because we all attend the same sales courses, read the same books….
So how can you expect the buyer to get excited when they hear the same sales pitch over and over again?
I always say it comes down to relationships. So, how do you build a relationship, a better one than your competitor? I would argue, this should be driving the behavior not the “next step” in the standard sales process.
True story – I recall sending 3 singing telegrams to one particular prospect over the course of a year – and all with different themes. I called the buyer to talk every Friday for months without trying to close, building the relationship.
Three time’s a charm, apparently, since the last singing telegram cracked the door open finally and we won the business!
We won the business after a lot of work and some creativity, and I was told they were never courted like this, ever, ….and it made the difference.
How can you get the buyer’s attention with all the competing noise? Got any bright ideas? Take some chances.
I have a couple different irons in the pot.
One, people only call me when they need my service. I can’t identify them because they only need my service once they have an issue with the law. And I’m restricted as to they type of solicitation I can do by regulation.
But I can thank my customers. So I’m writing thank you letters, adding a scratch off lottery ticket and will follow up with a phone call. While they may never need my services again, I have a hunch that I might make an impression that could lead to a referral.
Another venture is business consulting for start ups. My buddy and I have two potential clients. We want to bend over backwards for these people because we really want them to succeed. We want our passion and energy for success to shine through.
excellent, thank you. i like the lottery idea.