(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

Yeah, technology is a great thing and it certainly will help with productivity but if you can’t connect with people on a basic human level you will be resigned to a “heads down” position or if you have a “heads up” job like sales or client service you will struggle I’m afraid.

Blasting emails instead of making calls or meeting people in person is a not a winning strategy if you are in the people game.  The best in business mix it up with others…People eventually have to connect in order to transact and that means there will always be a human element no matter how far we take technology, sales 2.0, and whatever else is coming.

I watch my kids texting and watching youtube and they are impressive, but they aren’t so good at just hanging out and playing games that involves basic interaction.  I think that is worrisome.  The leaders in life and in business are the ones that have a human touch – they can get in front of a group and present an idea, navigate a crowd at a conference… The leaders are not the analysts in the background.

Get out there and mix it up more this year and you will be rewarded in many ways.


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