(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

The reality is everything that is written is a permanent record and it will be shared.  If you understand this basic truth then you should

1. Always be very careful about what you send electronically

2. Keep the content very clear

3. Be very careful about editorial comments that may be subject to interpretation

4. Expect that whatever you write will be shared with others so consider the impact

5. Do your best, because your writing will be a reflection on you

We live in a world of emails, texts, websites, and less and less of in person communications so we need to be extra vigilant and less careless with our written communications because this can kill an opportunity if not handled carefully.  Once you hit “send” it’s gone and then its out there for the other side to respond so make it count or else.

I am sure we can all identify with this, yes?


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