(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I was sitting here reflecting on the state of our business and thinking about how hard it is to build a lasting business.  There is so much competition, pressure on spending, waves of political and other external events…all of these things that make closing and keeping business hard, perhaps harder than ever.

Then I thought about the successes I have been involved with.  What were the critical contributors to our success? Product, okay,…we had a great product.  A great team and strong management, yes…but what was the real secret sauce?

You know, I talk about relationships a lot and yes, that was the secret sauce and continues to be the secret sauce.  Here is the honest to god’s truth in business – You can’t copy a relationship!  Wow, how come we all don’t work as hard as possible on the relationship if that’s true and really makes a difference?

If you really get close to your clients and get involved on a real, meaningful level then your presence will be felt in a profound way.  If you have experienced this, then you know exactly what I am talking about.  That is the ultimate difference in business and that is what great client service is all about.

I don’t care what you are selling.  Eventually someone will figure it out too and then it’s up to the relationships you build to keep a client, maintain your business…

Get to work tomorrow before it’s too late.


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