(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

Marketing is a lot like fishing if you think about it.  You have to know what bait to use to catch fish and the bait is different for the current conditions.

The bait is your messaging at the core and that is really everything in business.   Once you have the messaging nailed, you can then build your whole team around a consistent and compelling message.  I have learned that it takes time to refine the message but once you do so…everything else gets easier.

I had some fun today and threw my line out there in the big blue ocean and got some bites.  There is still nothing like the excitement of getting a nibble and then figuring out how to reel the fish in.

I am still searching for the right bait for these new waters but I think I am getting closer and once I find it, watch out fish!!!



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