(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I recently discovered that I spent about 2 months with someone only to discover they were not absolute in their conviction to move forward.  Now, maybe something changed, but most likely I was another victim of “deal heat” and missed the signals that I wasn’t working with a real buyer.

Cognitive Bias is real in business, so do your homework, have an objective process, and follow your rules and you will usually flesh out the real from the tire kickers.

Here is a post from more than 3 years ago, apropos for this conversation.


Have some guts, call out your buyer, so you don’t waste time

March 22, 2010  by 4 Comments (Edit)

If the one thing you do differently as a salesperson is to really qualify your suspects better… you will become more productive and sell more, guaranteed!

Minimize or eliminate all of the actvities that are time wasters and get in the way of closing business.  There are many tools to help become more productive but the biggest time waster of all is you!  That’s right, we all waste too much time by spending time with people that are just not good prospects.

Qualify, qualify, qualify before you start down the slippery slope of demos, trials, chasing….If it’s not a match, move on.  Have the guts to get a straight answer from the buyer if there is a real opportunity.  If there isn’t,  politely end the process and put them on in the nurturing loop or whatever process you have.

How many times have you got to the end of the sales process to find out that there is no money, they aren’t really a buyer…?  Doesn’t that piss you off?  Well have some guts and get to the basic question before both of you waste a lot of time.

Time is all we have – don’t waste it!!!


Enjoy the Holiday.


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