(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I learned a long time ago it’s much more powerful to have a repeatable process than to rely on the talent of a couple of employees, yet, why do so many businesses still find themselves held hostage to the “top performers”?

Every Monday morning we have a sales meeting and my goal is to follow the same process and attempt to forecast the current month’s business tied to a seemingly well conceived pipeline process.

Yet…it never ceases to amaze me how whimsical the inputs are to the pipeline which means you end up with a less than comfortable forecast.  Somehow, we always manage to hit our number but there are always surprises that never made the forecast!

Sound familiar?  Thank God for commissions or who the heck knows what would happen…that’s a topic for another post.

So, how does your pipeline look this month?


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