(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

I would argue that relationships are the most valuable asset any organization has, so how come so few of us build our business around taking care of relationships?  

Great relationships will lead to success so we have to build in processes at every step to ensure we are building strong and lasting relationships.  I am not talking about after you get the deal and have to manage the relationship, that’s what everyone does or at least attempts to do…I am talking about much more than that – I am talking about starting to build a relationship from the first interaction and every interaction thereafter.  Most organizations don’t do that well.  Most salespeople don’t do this well.

Building relationships is another process and you have to work on it like everything else.  It really is the golden goose that will hatch lots of golden eggs!  So from the first email, the way you handle inbound calls, your sales process, when you get the client, when you don’t get the client….always think about the relationship and how to protect and make it stronger.   It’s a marathon guys….and the tortoise always beats the hare over the long run.

Go forth and build some relationships and prosper.


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