(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

My mother still holds out hope for me to get my professional engineering license. LOL Sorry mom 🙂

The truth is, I took the first half of this exam when I graduated from college, but never finished the second…which was based on practical experience, because I was done with engineering and on to the next branch of my career.

But, it wasn’t a waste, because I still lean heavily on my engineering approach applied to the business world. Yeah, it’s not structural mechanics or civil engineering anymore, it’s process engineering…but the same principles hold true.

I live in the start up world and I have been through the early stages countless times. Building a scalable model with process and laser focus is the only way to manage the moving parts and the onslaught of data, trust me. Regardless of the industry, the process is what allows you to manage chaos and keep the trains running on time.

I was engaged in some debate about rev ops recently and we can argue about when it makes sense to bring someone in to take on this role full time, but no question about it, without process, scaling is really hard.

  • Leads fall through the cracks
  • Outbound email marketing is unorganized
  • Account management is scattered
  • Pricing is all over the place
  • Projections are missed

Stay focused and build a process to follow and stay on course. Otherwise, navigating without guardrails is treacherous sledding.


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