Selling Is Not About Relationships – Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson – Harvard Business Review.
I love this and share this belief completely. Be a challenger!
by Jonathan Brickman | Oct 4, 2011
Selling Is Not About Relationships – Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson – Harvard Business Review.
I love this and share this belief completely. Be a challenger!
Why not both?
I’ve used the “challenger” aproach to selling and been pretty sudccessful with it, but even though they are the Harvard Business Review, I might have to disagree a bit with these guys. Studies are only as good as the questions they ask and outcomes are almost always loaded to what ever side the researcher wants to project/prove.
I don’t believe you have to be one or the other. I’d be willing to bet that the absolute most successful salespeople are a combination of “Challengers” AND “Relationship Builders” (among other things). But, hey…. that’s just my opinion! (I’d be happy to be paid generously to do my own research 🙂 ~ Chris
Thanks. Can’t comment on research methodology but my personal experience tells me the challenger is more successful leading the process and standing out from the pack as opposed to just being another “nice guy”. Of course you also have to connect and build a relationship or you never get the chance to challenge.
Best regards,
Jon Brickman 202-302-1770
Most clients don’t want you to spend your time talking about the box they’re in they want you do be the challenger to help them build a better box or get out of the box they’re in.
Pat, thanks and agree completely but very few salespeople have the confidence and finesse to take the “challenger” stance.