(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

A couple months ago I posted a blog about the power of social selling, but also about the need to be on your game when it comes to being social…and what do you know, it was picked up by a fellow digital marketer at straightnorth.com and I was asked to share their infographic below, which is very cool.

As shared…

It serves as a great blueprint for creating an integrated internet marketing strategy by leveraging multiple online channels, such as social media, SEO and blogging to generate more leads and sales. The infographic has been featured on the American Marketing Association’s website and accumulated over 90 shares by influential marketing experts, such as Ron Sela, Meghan M. Biro and Mark Schaefer.

Infographic created by Straight North

Creating lead flow is no longer a linear path, rather a wide net with many path.

Thanks for being social and sharing this.


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