When I walk into a meeting I honestly believe deep down in my soul that I will walk out with an agreement. This isn’t another Tony Robbins pep talk philosophy but a core belief that drives me. It’s real!
I have told my salespeople for years if you don’t have this feeling, then don’t have the meeting. We all know the cliché “you have to believe in what you are selling…”. That is true, but what I am talking about is more like faith that transcends basic product knowledge and all the mechanical tactics of selling.
Those of you that have this feeling or those of you who have had it, know what I mean and how powerful this is. Let’s face it, we can’t win ’em all but if you are brimming with this special feeling you have something special and great things will happen. Even if you don’t win every deal, which you won’t for many reasons you can’t control, your passion can’t be stopped.
Selling for a living can be challenging with many ups and downs. But…and this is a big BUT…if you have this core belief, this winning attitude, then you too will walk into every meeting like you own the place and then the magic will happen. You will be amazed and everyone around you will feel this, including the buyer…
“Attitude”… really is everything.
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