Remember the fable about the goose that laid the golden eggs…
In business, “relationships with people” are the “golden geese” which is why we should treat them all with care. Deals come and go but meaningful and lasting relationships never die if they are handled correctly. Great relationships will yield many golden eggs!
I have one person that has moved 3 times this year and has taken our service with him every time. How do you like them eggs?
It seems that you have misinterpreted one of the most taught fables. In fact, the tale of the Golden Goose has little to do with relationship maintenance. The idea behind the fable is that you should not kill the golden goose to try and get all the gold out of it when it is laying you a golden egg each day – essentially the fable cautions against short-sighted action that destroys the profitability of an asset.
Maybe there is a connection in your message, just not seeing it – Great Blog though, love the entries!
Thank you for your comment. I edited the post to clarify my analogy…hope this helps. I know the fable well and my message remains as intended, although I admit it’s not a 100% fit… Many of us in business don’t value the real assets that build a business – the people we do business with. If we lose a deal, we don’t kill the relationship because the opportunity may be there in the future. If we build relationships with people, they will act as referrals, bring us with them into new businesses…etc…hence the golden goose comparison….these relationships will lay golden eggs. I have learned to treat every relationship carefully so each one of these relationships become an “asset” for me, if not today, tomorrow.
Look forward to future comments.
Thanks again,