(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

Here is a true story and I will not mention names to protect the innocent, but this is one of my most memorable business stories…

I was on a West Coast trip making my way up the coast from San Diego to LA and I had the privilege to have with me two freshly minted Harvard Grads.  I was showing them the ropes as they say.  Let me preface this story by stating that neither of these newbies had ever been on a business trip before so they were relying on instincts and whatever Harvard did to prepare them for the “real” world.

We made it through the first meeting without any bruises.  The 2 Harvard boys sat and listened attentively, as expected, and we left for our next visit.  We arrived at meeting number 2.   Everyone knows the drill, small pleasantries, talk about the weather…and then the ritualistic exchange of business cards.  Right?

Well, I looked across the table at the couple people we were meeting with and noticed a puzzled look on their faces.  Turns out, the Harvard boys handed out not their freshly printed business cards, rather the business card of the person they met at the prior meeting!

I guess Harvard doesn’t offer a course on attention to details.  I often say, common sense is not so common.  I am sure these 2 gentlemen have recovered and are leading productive lives but I thank them for this memory and a most important lesson…

Have a great Friday.


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