(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

and, trust me they will if you stay with it!

Here is what not to say:

1. Boy, you are tough to reach…. – that serves no purpose.

2. Do you have a minute? – you just wasted valuable time

3. Is this a good time to speak? – start talking, don’t ask

4. Hi, I am calling from…- no one cares, start providing value

Here is what you need to do:

1. Get right to the point of the call – time is precious

2. I am calling to help you…- why else would you be calling?

3. You will know their situation and you will address their concerns – be a valued resource or get off the phone!

4. Suggest a time to meet, next step… – get a commitment to continue process

Selling is not easy and it’s not often enough that someone picks up the phone these days so when they do you had better have something intelligent to say or get a job doing something else besides B to B sales.


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