(240) 670-5323 jonathan@jebrickman.com

More on product messaging

Yesterday, I went on a rant about poor product messaging.  Well, this is a really, really good example of product messaging  done right. There is no mistaking why this company is in business and what problem they will attempt to solve.  And, if they are as good as...

Product Messaging

I don’t know about you, but my head spins most times when I look at a website and try to understand what the company does. I frequently go to a website, open up the products tab and start to read…only to get utterly confused most of the time, not being...

Hang a shingle…

  As the old expression goes…”hang a shingle” and business will follow.   It’s true, without doing much else, by virtue of just starting a business there will most likely be demand for your product or service. Now, whether you have...

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